Since I missed yesterday I will go ahead and lump it in with today's post (disclaimer: there is no particular order in these posting; i.e. I'm not more thankful for something over another)
Family, wouldn't have it any other way! |
I am thankful for my family. I know that this might sound cheesy/cliche however, it is true. I know that I would not be the person that I am without them. Being off on my own has really made me appreciate and understand everything that they told/taught me. As many of you know, I decided to take some time off from BYU while I try to figure out what it is that I want to do with my life. In the mean time I have been going to a small school to become certified as a Dental Assistant so that I have something to rely on education wise for a job.
My family has always been supportive of the various things that I have chosen to do, whether it be sports, church things, school, or even life. I have always known that if I need them, they will be there for me through thick and thin. All of my family is more than willing to impart words of wisdom to this sometimes flailing youth (which is sometimes less appreciated than others).
The Fitt and Dustin cousins |
When I graduated from high school, my mom contacted all of my immediate family and asked them to each write me a letter with little bits of advice that was just for me. I absolutely love this book, I keep with with me at all times, even when traveling you will often find it in my carry on. I'd like to share a few of their words of wisdom with you if you don't mind.
1. "Studying is important. Value your education...knowledge is the only thing we take from this earth (Mom)." I wish I would have listened more to her on this one; I never realized just how hard school really was until I came to college. This is definitely one of the things I am most mindful of now.
2. "Find good friends and keep them close to you. The friends you make now will be lasting friendships (Mom)."
3. "Call your mother at least once a week...or she will hunt you down (Mom)." Mom and I have always been the best of friends, so this was the easiest one to follow!
Aunt Terri, Uncle Obe, Ethan, Grace, and Savannah |
4. From everyone, they expressed how much they loved me and how proud they were of me. For those times when I felt like a failure, I would always go read this and it would usually make me feel a lot better hearing how loved I am.
5. "You can become whomever you want to (Papa Sossaman)." I have the freedom to choose!
6. "Don't go window shopping if you don't have the money (Aunt Terri)!" How very well my Aunt knows me. . .like any girl, I like to shop, however I have had to learn the art of budgeting and window shopping usually puts a big dent in that!
Aunt Shannon, Uncle Mark, and Wyatt |
7. "Study hard, play hard, and enjoy this time!!! It will go by so quickly (Aunt Shannon)." That is the key to this point in life is to enjoy it; life is what you make of it. If you have a crappy attitude then you are going to have a crappy life. Make the most of it :D
and finally. . .
8. "Remember to be prayerful and consult with your Father in Heaven and always Choose the Right. The choices you make now will impact the rest of your life, so choose wisely (Grandma and Grandpa Dustin)."
I love my family and am so grateful for them. I was lucky enough to be able to live close to all of my immediate family when I was growing up; my cousins and I had countless adventures down at my Grandparents house in Anchor Point; I went frequently on fishing trips all through out our area with my Aunt Terri, Uncle Obe, my parents, and Papa.
I know I wouldn't be who I am today without all of their influence in my life. Thank you for shaping me into the woman that I am today; I know I still make mistakes and that I will continue to do so, but it is the best feeling in the world to know that my family will be there to catch me when I do fall. I love you all dearly and I cannot express how thankful I am for everything that my family has done for me.
One big HAPPY family! |
Hugs and kisses!